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Welcome to the EOC Geoservice

The EOC Geoservice provides discovery, visualization, and direct download services for a selection of the geospatial datasets provided by the Earth Observation Center (EOC) of the German Aerospace Center (DLR). See the About page for details.

Latest Datasets

SoilSuite – Sentinel-2 – Europe, 5 year composite (2018-2022)


Alpine Glacier Crevasses - Stubai, Oetztal, Grossglockner, Ortler, Piz Palue


CropTypes - Crop Type Maps for Germany - Yearly, 10m


Road Traffic Noise - Germany, 2017


EnMAP HSI - SpectralEarth – non-georeferenced – Global


Latest News and Announcement

New data sets from earth observation show the diversity and utilisation of agricultural land [1]. This raster dataset depicts the main type of crop grown on each field in Germany each year. Crop types and crop rotation are of great economic importance and have a strong influence on the functions of arable land and ecology.

Based on Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 time series as well as LPIS data from some Federal States of Germany, 18 different crops or crop groups were mapped per pixel with 10 m resolution for Germany on an annual basis since 2018.

A full description of the method and results can be found in the publication [2].

The datasets will also be available for download soon.